Super Duper Pee Wee!-这本书不错哟,强烈推荐!

Super Duper Pee Wee!

作者 (Author) Delton, Judy
等级 (MML) MM LEVEL: 3.7
年级 (IL) Lower Grades (LG K-3)
字数 (Words) 13176
类型 (Fiction) Fiction
书号 (ISBN)
系列 (Series) Pee Wee Scouts;
Yikes! Molly\'s newly divorced aunt is coming to town, and she\'s taking over Molly\'s dresser, Molly\'s closet, and Molly\'s life. It\'s up to Molly and Mary Beth to see if they can marry her off. Meanwhile, Molly is worried about her own parents.


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